Saturday 22 June 2013

Inside the Mindset of a Nigerian Suicide Bomber>Boko haram

abdulmutallab No one ever lacks a good reason for suicide. – Cesare Paverse
Until June 16, 2011 suicide bombing was a distant phenomena few ever thought could occur in this realm. The harsh economic climate and heated geo-political space notwithstanding, it is very rare to see Nigerians, a people widely adjudged as the happiest on the face of the earth, take their own lives. It was even more unimaginable that someday, a Nigerian irrespective of whatever influence, will devise violent and extreme actions capable of brutally terminating his life, and extending the same deadly gestures to those around him.
So when Umaru Abdulmutallab, a 22-year-old Nigerian from an affluent background attempted to become the country’s first suicide bomber on a US-bound flight on Christmas Day 2009, many among his compatriots questioned his nationality, others his sanity.
Nigerians can’t be suicide bombers, it was reiterated.
Then the dreaded happened. Mohammed Manga, a 35-year-old Nigerian male, signed his name in the most gory of inks as the first suicide bomber ever to strike in the country. A recruit of extremist Islamic sect Boko Haram, Manga blew himself up in front of Nigeria’s police headquarters in Abuja, two and half years after Mutallab’s first unsuccessful attempt to set the record aboard the American airliner.
Here comes the multimillion dollar question, what could make a Nigerian volunteer to be a suicide bomber?
Could it be the prevailing unemployment situation in the country which has made the teeming able-bodied youths roaming the northern part of the country a potential breed for terror recruiters? Maybe it is the lure of a few thousand dollars that make potential volunteers throw reasons to the winds and get blown up. Perhaps it is in the hatred indoctrinated into these would-be suicide bombers by extremist Islamic preachers at an early age.
Like his counterparts in Arabia or elsewhere around the world, research has proven that money, education or the lack of both, is not a determinant factor that would either motivate or hinder a would be Nigerian suicide bomber. If it will be recalled, Abdulmutallab was from an illustrious home and had the best education money could offer. Mohammed Manga on the other hand was described as a fairly successful businessman.
In Robert Lamb’s How Suicide Bombers Work, both the glamorization of martyrdom and its establishment as a gateway to rewards in the afterlife are central, yet universal factors in the suicide bomber equation.
The glamorization of matyrdom is appealing to the often young and naive Nigerian suicide bomber, whose average age bracket is put between 18 – 24.  For this set of people, the thoughts that his name becomes immortal is overwhelming. The pride, prospect and glamour at the ‘sense of a holy mission’ is appealing, and this sadly, is a bait their manipulative handlers exploit to the fullest.
‘A gateway to rewards in the afterlife’ should not be ruled out as a motivating factor for the Nigerian suicide bomber. The thoughts of seventy-two virgins for martyrs who paid the supreme price for fighting Allah’s cause is too strong to be relegated to the background. Likewise are the quests to avenge perceived political tyranny and economic imbalances.
So how does the Nigerian suicide bomber justify the killings of innocent souls? Israeli psychologists eager to understand the mindset of militant Islamic extremists postulate that at this point in the mindset of the suicide bomber, no one perhaps except for members of his sect is innocent. He is not about killing the innocent, he is killing the enemy.
Edo State Police Command Parades 36 Gunmen and Kidnappers In Benin City
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Views: 24001  |  Comments: 1
NEWSROOM Fri 21 Jun 2013
It is known that the war against men of the underworld is a continuous battle that the government is saddled to fight. It seems like the government is gaining
an upper hand in the fight as recently the Edo State Police Commissioner, Mr
Foluso Adebanjo, paraded 36 suspected robbers and kidnappers in Benin City, while parading them, he reiterated his call to criminals and cultists to leave the state or be “crushed,” just as he solicited the cooperation of members of the public to give useful information to the police.

While hailing the ban on Okada in the state capital, the CP said about 90 per cent of crimes being committed in the state were carried out with motorcycles.

He said the suspects were arrested in different locations in the state with cache of arms, including AK47 riffle, two AK 47 rifle magazines, 23 rounds of 7.62mm live ammunition, two Magnum pump action guns, one English-made cut to size double barrel gun and 107 live cartridges, adding that the kidnappers among them were involved in the abduction of some foreigners and members of the Nigeria Union of
Teachers few weeks ago who were arrested in their hideouts.

Insisting that the ban on commercial
motorcycles will help check the excesses of criminals in the state, Adebanjo said “the ban on Okada is a very good thing and for security purposes. A lot of crimes being committed in Benin City are bike-related. They use bike to rob people, kill people and even cultists use bikes to

“So we have no fear that the ban on Okada will increase crime, we are fully prepared to take care of that. These people arrested failed to heed to my earlier call that they should repent or face the fire power of the police. We are going to charge them to court. I am also advising others to repent or leave the state because we will not tolerate cultism, killings and robbery in Edo

Related Topics:-

Edo State Police Command Parades 36 Gunmen and Kidnappers In Benin City

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7-Up Manager Who Had Gone To A Hotel With Junior Colleague To Have Fun, Slumped & Died In Hotel - See more at:
Edo State Police Command Parades 36 Gunmen and Kidnappers In Benin City
 2  2  0  0  0
Views: 24001  |  Comments: 1
NEWSROOM Fri 21 Jun 2013
It is known that the war against men of the underworld is a continuous battle that the government is saddled to fight. It seems like the government is gaining
an upper hand in the fight as recently the Edo State Police Commissioner, Mr
Foluso Adebanjo, paraded 36 suspected robbers and kidnappers in Benin City, while parading them, he reiterated his call to criminals and cultists to leave the state or be “crushed,” just as he solicited the cooperation of members of the public to give useful information to the police.

While hailing the ban on Okada in the state capital, the CP said about 90 per cent of crimes being committed in the state were carried out with motorcycles.

He said the suspects were arrested in different locations in the state with cache of arms, including AK47 riffle, two AK 47 rifle magazines, 23 rounds of 7.62mm live ammunition, two Magnum pump action guns, one English-made cut to size double barrel gun and 107 live cartridges, adding that the kidnappers among them were involved in the abduction of some foreigners and members of the Nigeria Union of
Teachers few weeks ago who were arrested in their hideouts.

Insisting that the ban on commercial
motorcycles will help check the excesses of criminals in the state, Adebanjo said “the ban on Okada is a very good thing and for security purposes. A lot of crimes being committed in Benin City are bike-related. They use bike to rob people, kill people and even cultists use bikes to

“So we have no fear that the ban on Okada will increase crime, we are fully prepared to take care of that. These people arrested failed to heed to my earlier call that they should repent or face the fire power of the police. We are going to charge them to court. I am also advising others to repent or leave the state because we will not tolerate cultism, killings and robbery in Edo

Related Topics:-

Edo State Police Command Parades 36 Gunmen and Kidnappers In Benin City

Rival Cult Group "Eiye Confraternity and Black Axe" Clashes In Benin City, 20 Feared Dead

7-Up Manager Who Had Gone To A Hotel With Junior Colleague To Have Fun, Slumped & Died In Hotel - See more at:
Edo State Police Command Parades 36 Gunmen and Kidnappers In Benin City
 2  2  0  0  0
Views: 24001  |  Comments: 1
NEWSROOM Fri 21 Jun 2013
It is known that the war against men of the underworld is a continuous battle that the government is saddled to fight. It seems like the government is gaining
an upper hand in the fight as recently the Edo State Police Commissioner, Mr
Foluso Adebanjo, paraded 36 suspected robbers and kidnappers in Benin City, while parading them, he reiterated his call to criminals and cultists to leave the state or be “crushed,” just as he solicited the cooperation of members of the public to give useful information to the police.

While hailing the ban on Okada in the state capital, the CP said about 90 per cent of crimes being committed in the state were carried out with motorcycles.

He said the suspects were arrested in different locations in the state with cache of arms, including AK47 riffle, two AK 47 rifle magazines, 23 rounds of 7.62mm live ammunition, two Magnum pump action guns, one English-made cut to size double barrel gun and 107 live cartridges, adding that the kidnappers among them were involved in the abduction of some foreigners and members of the Nigeria Union of
Teachers few weeks ago who were arrested in their hideouts.

Insisting that the ban on commercial
motorcycles will help check the excesses of criminals in the state, Adebanjo said “the ban on Okada is a very good thing and for security purposes. A lot of crimes being committed in Benin City are bike-related. They use bike to rob people, kill people and even cultists use bikes to

“So we have no fear that the ban on Okada will increase crime, we are fully prepared to take care of that. These people arrested failed to heed to my earlier call that they should repent or face the fire power of the police. We are going to charge them to court. I am also advising others to repent or leave the state because we will not tolerate cultism, killings and robbery in Edo

Related Topics:-

Edo State Police Command Parades 36 Gunmen and Kidnappers In Benin City

Rival Cult Group "Eiye Confraternity and Black Axe" Clashes In Benin City, 20 Feared Dead

7-Up Manager Who Had Gone To A Hotel With Junior Colleague To Have Fun, Slumped & Died In Hotel - See more at:
We're happy to announce that Covenant University is the 1st institution to release their Admission List for 2013/2014. They have now released their 1st batch list.

The Covenant Admission List released contains about 1,958 names and according to the school, the list is subject to JAMB ratification.

The list is a PDF file and can be downloaded and viewed by Clicking [url]

#Goodluck!! - See more at:
We're happy to announce that Covenant University is the 1st institution to release their Admission List for 2013/2014. They have now released their 1st batch list.

The Covenant Admission List released contains about 1,958 names and according to the school, the list is subject to JAMB ratification.

The list is a PDF file and can be downloaded and viewed by Clicking [url]

#Goodluck!! - See more at:
We're happy to announce that Covenant University is the 1st institution to release their Admission List for 2013/2014. They have now released their 1st batch list.

The Covenant Admission List released contains about 1,958 names and according to the school, the list is subject to JAMB ratification.

The list is a PDF file and can be downloaded and viewed by Clicking [url]

#Goodluck!! - See more at:
We're happy to announce that Covenant University is the 1st institution to release their Admission List for 2013/2014. They have now released their 1st batch list.

The Covenant Admission List released contains about 1,958 names and according to the school, the list is subject to JAMB ratification.

The list is a PDF file and can be downloaded and viewed by Clicking [url]

#Goodluck!! - See more at:
We're happy to announce that Covenant University is the 1st institution to release their Admission List for 2013/2014. They have now released their 1st batch list.

The Covenant Admission List released contains about 1,958 names and according to the school, the list is subject to JAMB ratification.

The list is a PDF file and can be downloaded and viewed by Clicking [url]

#Goodluck!! - See more at:

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